Richmond Tourist Amenities
This project places contemporary architecture within an historic context.
The township of Richmond is a precious link to Tasmania’s murky colonial history as well as a valuable tourism and cultural asset. Regrettably, the authentic architectural qualities of the township are being threatened by an alarming proliferation of recent buildings attempting to contextualise through the naïve imitation of historic building forms.
The design for this new structure draws upon generative form, composition and materials of the historic architecture of Richmond but reinterprets these influences through abstraction, adaptation and the use of contemporary methods of construction, finish and detail.
Our process of intervention involved a 2 stage master plan for the redevelopment of an underutilised public car park. The proposal was to enlarge its potential for parking as well as provide a tourist coach and local school bus drop-off, there-by reducing the problems of heavy vehicle congestion on the main street. Stage 1 has been completed. Stage 2 will include additional bus shelters, street furniture, signage and interpretation and landscape master plan implementation.
Awards & Jury Citation
“This building deserves recognition because it seeks to contextualise, within an historic setting. Through means other than imitation of historic forms. It is a well-considered approach, which reworks components of the familiar without pastiche. It also provides an innovative plan for an often maligned building type.”
2005 RAIA - Public Buildings - Honourable Mention
Address: Richmond, Tasmania
Country: mumirimina
Built (2003)
Ray Joyce + 1+2 Architecture
Media / Publications
Gatley, Julia ‘Comfort Stop’ Architecture Australia, March/April 2005 VOL 94 NO 2, pp.70-73
Slavid, Ruth Micro Architecture, London, Laurence King Publishing 2007, pp.22-25
Key Collaborators
Cordwell Lane
Structural / Hydraulics Engineering:
Gandy & Roberts
Services Engineering:
ECOS Pty Ltd
Building Surveyor:
Lee Tyers Building Surveyors
Leslie Goulburn
Quantity Surveyor:
WT Partnership