
Evans Vogel House

Evans Vogel House



This house is located at Mt. Nelson on the suburban fringe of Hobart. It is a compact 3 bedroom home which responds directly to the needs of the family for which it was designed and the site and context within which it was built.

The house is a split level design, intended to step down its gently sloping site. Its wine glass plan and angled geometry respond to irregularity of the site, sun angles and view lines.

The house is constructed from conventional masonry, timber frame and stained timber cladding which combined with finely crafted details, finishes and joinery lend this simple building a refined and delicate quality.


Address: Mount Nelson, Tasmania
Country: kriwalayti

Built (2011)

Residential - Houses (New)

Jonathan Wherrett

Media / Publications
Designing with Black, Stephen Crafi, Images Publishing

Sunday Home - Hobart Mercury, April 7 2013

Key Collaborators
Hebblewhite Builders

Structural / Hydraulics Engineering:
Aldanmark Consulting Engineers

Building Surveyor:
Lee Tyers Building Surveyors